Aurora Climbing Apps

Kilter Board
Find and create boulders. Log Ascents. Light the LED Kit. Getstrong!
Tension Board
Take full advantage of the Tension Board from Tension Climbingwiththe Tension Board app! The Tension Board app is compatible withallTension Board hold sets and functions with and without theTensionBoard LED Kit. The Tension Board is the ultimate trainingtool forclimbers of all ability levels. The mirrored layout andwooden holdsets allow the user to train in a more balanced,consistent, andeffective way. LED Integration: Add the TensionBoard LED Kit anduse the Tension Board app to wirelessly displayand create boulderproblems and training exercises. The TensionBoard LED Kitilluminates a colored LED below the hold designated inthe TensionBoard app. LED Color Key: Green = Start Hold Blue =Middle Hold Red= Finish Hold Magenta = Foot Only ANDROID REQUIRESTHAT LOCATIONPERMISSIONS ARE GRANTED TO THE APP FOR BLUETOOTHFUNCTIONALITY. ONSOME DEVICES, IT IS ALSO NECESSARY TO ENSURE GPSIS TURNED ON.
Aurora Board
Find and create boulders. Log Ascents. Light the Aurora LED kit.Get strong!
Grasshopper Board 3.3.26
Find and create boulders. Log Ascents. Light the LED kit. Getstrong!
Tension Board 4.0.4
Find and create boulders. Log Ascents. Light the LED Kit. Getstrong!
Touchstone Board 3.3.11
Find and create boulders. Log Ascents. Light the LED Kit. Getstrong!